Answered By: Shelly Jablonski
Last Updated: Jul 10, 2024     Views: 200

The library provides a variety of tools and resources to support Montgomery College students and faculty members.

Research Subject Guides and Course Guides
  • Subject Research Guides pull together the best resources and search strategies to use when looking for information on a particular topic.
  • There may also be a Course Research Guide created with resources and information specific to a course taught at the College.

A-Z List of Library Databases

This page links to online databases available from the library and provides content descriptions for each database. Use the subject dropdown menu at the top of the page to see all databases for a particular topic.


Search for a topic in RaptorSearch. This discovery tool will generate a search results list of books, e-books, articles, streaming media and more. For more detailed information about RaptorSearch access the guide to using RaptorSearch.